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Saturday, October 16, 2010

An Unexpected First - Jury Summons!

I've always thought it would be interesting to serve on a jury - as long as the trial doesn't have to do with any physical violence because I am NOT good with blood! I can't believe it took until I'm 40 to get my first jury summons, but it will be an experience! It's for November 8th, so I'll have to post later the result!

How many will I accomplish??

It will be a miracle if I'm able to complete my list! I already know that I'll be missing the Dallas State Fair, but I keep hoping that I'll be able to get the rest of the 19 items that I have left done. I can't believe that I only have a couple of months left! I feel like I'm living life at a really fast pace right now and I'm doing my best to stay on top of everything, but it's challenging!

Missing the Dallas Fair this year...bummer! (But due to a good thing!)

Time and finances aren't on my side to make the state fair this year. So, I'll have to wait another year to see Big Tex. I'm a little bit bummed, but it's mostly due to a decision to buy a timeshare, which I'm pretty excited about! I've always wanted to buy one and my husband and I did so last weekend. We get our membership cards in a couple of weeks and I can't wait to start using it!